Resetting Activity Logs in MT 3.16

Those of you who, like me, are besieged with constant comment spam have probably switched to Brad Choate’s wonderful SpamLookup plug-in for Movable Type. I’ve discussed it before.

The problem with SpamLookup is that it uses the MT Activity Log for its log entries. This wouldn’t really be a problem except for the fact that three or four weeks’ worth of blocked spam log entries bloat the log enough that the server chokes trying to display it.

Under previous versions of Movable Type, you could simply go to


and the log would be reset. MT 3.16 introduces some security features that prevent this from working any longer. Thanks to The Girlie Matters (via Google), we have a new method to reset the log.

Brad Choate is aware of the issue it presents and is working on a fix. Until then, at least the log can be reset again.

posted by Chris on 28 May 2005 at 2007 in computing


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