People like this and this sometimes make me wonder why I bother answering feedback e-mails at all, and then people like Warren Jones restore my faith in humanity:
Dear Chris,
I’d just like to say thanks for all of your help. Even though you were unable to fix the problem, I greatly appreciate all of the time and thought that you spent on the problem. If you worked for a software company, I’d certainly go through their catalog looking for things to buy. Now I’m going to call Earthlink. After that, if they can’t help, I’ll look again for someway to contact Fox News to see if they are aware of a problem with their website. Thanks again for all of your help. Oh, yes, I’ll certainly be recommending Camino in the future. I just wonder why I had never heard of it before I went on a search through Google for Browsers that were designed for Macintosh computers.
Warren Jones
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