
I’m a member of the team that develops the open-source Camino Web browser. Aside from fixing bugs in the browser itself, my primary duties are doing triage in Bugzilla (assigning bugs to the proper component, testing to see if bugs are reproducible, etc.) and helping the lead developers keep on top of our feedback list.

Bearing in mind that Camino is free and is an all-volunteer effort (no one is paid to work on it), this feedback e-mail came in this morning:

I know you’re open source revolutionaries, but you’ll catch more flies with honey.

Four totally liberal news sources for your preloaded news sites and nothing even MOR let alone Fox??

You just reveal yourselves to be agenda driven with no good reason. Other than driving your personal agenda.

For the record, our default news bookmarks are the BBC, CNN, the International Herald-Tribune, and Salon.

Gosh, what a liberal freakin’ agenda.

Guy could stand to take his own advice. Which, of course, he didn’t do, as three minutes later, this showed up:

No multiple home pages? Least not that I can find? And you, a movement within the Firefox umbrella org expect us to move from Firefox just to get faster loading??

Too high a price my friend. I don’t want have to reconstruct my web workspace from memory everytime I reboot……

And I can’t believe we can’t have both.

A HUGE oversight.

What was that about flies and honey again?

posted by Chris on 27 March 2006 at 1132 in politix


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