Not in Florida, but right here in West Michigan:
Man’s car goes on automatic pilot in Leroy
It seems a local genius — and we here at the blog use the word “genius” very liberally — decided, after becoming thoroughly lost on two-lane back roads and sliding off into a field, the only way to free his car from the mud in which it was stuck was by placing a toolbox on the accelerator pedal and getting out to push the car.
Kinda like the ghetto cruise control Bill Paxton used on his old yellow Dodge in Twister, except this guy was, at the risk of repeating myself, standing behind the car while doing this.
Needless to say, as soon as the car broke free and gained traction, off it drove, across the road, through a soybean field, over a small hill, and into a large tree at 100 MPH.
Red Forman Dumbass Rating:
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