Illiterate Drivers Ignore Road Signs, Hilarity Ensues

Today’s Dumbass of the Day award is shared by the drivers of the five vehicles responsible for causing a 16-car, 10-person car-train crash in Chicago Wednesday evening. From the story (emphasis added):

[O]fficials said vehicles should not have been directly in the train’s path because a sign at the intersection warns drivers not to stop on the tracks.

A big, yellow sign. With big red flashing lights and those ANGRY ALL-CAPS SHOUTING LETTERS.

Get the hell out of my gene pool, you morons.

Red FormanRed Forman Dumbass Rating: Eric (Dumbass) Eric (Dumbass) Eric (Dumbass) Eric (Dumbass)

posted by Chris on 25 November 2005 at 0216 in humour


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