Dumbass of the Day

Give Matthew Villemure a Darwin Award, please. The 28-year-old died Wednesday after leaping from a dune buggy traveling about 35 MPH near Gulliver, in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.

I’m sorry, I just don’t have anything funny to say about that. The dude jumped out of a moving vehicle. C’mon.

Red FormanRed Forman Dumbass Rating: Hyde (Dumbass) Hyde (Dumbass) Hyde (Dumbass) Hyde (Dumbass) Hyde (Dumbass)

posted by Chris on 09 September 2005 at 2315 in humour


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Comment by Meg

You recently nominated Matthew Villemure for a Darwin Award, in response to your nomination I would like you to realize the additional pain and suffering you have caused his friends and mom! Matt did NOT jump out of a moving vehicle!!!!! The only witness was the driver and the skid marks on the road leave a lot to be said for what happened. The ACCIDENT is still under investigation per the article you were referring to. Only someone or something such as yourself would post a very honorable person such as Matt for your Dumbass of the day award. Before you give it to anyone else you might want to look in the mirror and get your facts straight. Your ignorance has caused some wonderful people who have been through Hell these last few days additional pain. I sincerely hope you will smarten up and be a better person in the future and before you decide who jumped and who gets thrown out of a moving vehicle get the facts from a story not just the news headline! I hope this group is proud to have such fine representation.

Matt’s loving friend


posted at 2315 on 09 September 2005

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