Dumbass of the Day

Meant to post this last night and forgot. An anonymous Bark River, MI, man is today’s winner. You see, he had a safe stolen out of his home about a month ago during a break-in. He reported the break-in to police, who later captured a suspect and recovered the man’s safe.

They had asked the man what was in his safe when it was reported stolen, and the man dutifully informed them it contained “two guns, two knives, a rangefinder and a silver dollar collection.”

So after recovering the safe, police asked the man to come down to the station so that he could identify the safe and its contents.

Turns out he forgot to tell them it just happened to be filled with a pound of marijuana and $500 cash in addition to the other stuff.

Charges are pending.

Red FormanRed Forman Dumbass Rating: Kelso (Dumbass) Kelso (Dumbass) Kelso (Dumbass)

posted by Chris on 09 September 2005 at 1331 in humour


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