Dumbass of the Day

Lucas Rolin, 26, of Ardmore, TN, was killed around 2100 last Saturday when his truck ran off Interstate 65 near Athens, TN.

Tennessee Highway Patrol officers have determined a preliminary cause of the crash: loss of control due to driver distraction. Rolin was apparently trying to send a text message on his cell fone while driving.

Red FormanRed Forman Dumbass Rating: Kelso (Dumbass) Kelso (Dumbass) Kelso (Dumbass) Kelso (Dumbass) Kelso (Dumbass)

(via Engadget via textually)

posted by Chris on 08 March 2005 at 1452 in humour


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» That '70s Show from What the Deuce?
I came across this Dumbass scale, and couldn’t help but laugh. It’s too bad Eric and Kelso won’t be returning next season…. [Read More]

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» William Cut, revisited from What the Deuce?
Following the immature ordeal involving William Cut last week, I received numerous affirmations of his idiocy. I wouldn’t re-surface the subject if it weren’t for this being such a well-written post. But after reading post-after-post on Will’s site c… [Read More]

Tracked on March 8, 2005 10:52 PM


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