Stop, Stop, Stop, Stop Hurting the Community!

Those of you who don’t browse MacSurfer probably haven’t seen my latest article on SchwarzTech.

Chris Lawson shares his thoughts on the state of the Mac Web and lets you in on a little secret that PC Magazine and Ziff-Davis don’t want you to know…

I imagine this will ruffle quite a few feathers in the community; that’s what it’s supposed to do. I’m not so much trying to piss people off as make them think about what they’re publishing. Just because it mentions the Mac doesn’t mean it’s worth linking to, which Michael Alderete really hammers home in his post published over at MacInTouch (and kudos to Ric for at least paying lip service to the ideas I’ve outlined in my article):

John Dvorak is a “shock jock” columnist. He’s not particularly interested in getting anything right — he’s interested in getting a reaction. That’s why he picks on the Mac so often. He knows that Mac users will rise up to defend their platform, guaranteeing a ton of mentions around the web, irate responses in blogs, and vigorous letters to the editor…and a whole lot more traffic to his columns, improving his standing with his editors and publishers, and thus compensation.

The worst thing any Mac user can do to John Dvorak is ignore him. Even though we know he’s wrong, and provably wrong, it’s actually better to just let it go.

posted by Chris on 06 January 2005 at 0453 in general


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» The Silence Would Be Deafening--If People Would Stay Silent from Second Initial
My friend and fellow ATPMer, Chris Lawson, had a short-but-to-the-point article published in SchwarzTech. He hits the nail right on the head regarding an infamous… [Read More]

Tracked on January 6, 2005 9:30 PM

» A Life in Miniature: An addendum from Bloggable
For those of you who actually watch this RSS feed… you should read this month’s Bloggable column first. If you’ve been referred by my link in the column, let’s begin! Pumpkin pie Think Secret, the venerable Mac rumors site, appears… [Read More]

Tracked on January 31, 2005 3:06 PM


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