Katie vs. Katie and Penguin

Slashdot is running an interesting story on a saga that’s been going on for four years now. The Register has a fairly good summary of the situation, which basically involves two women named Katie and the Penguin publishing company. Katie Jones, owner of the katie.com domain since 1996, is being sued by Penguin, the publisher of the book “Katie.com,” which is named for Katie Jones’s Web site but written by Katie Tarbox, who was raped by an Internet predator. Penguin wants Jones to give up her domain name which she has had since before the book was even written.

Yeah. Real nice folks, these lawyers.

Head over to Amazon.com and review Katie.com: My Story, telling Penguin exactly what you think of these tactics. If you’d rather not review, vote using the “Was this review helpful?” buttons to show your support for other reviews.

posted by Chris on 05 August 2004 at 1220 in computing


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