Katie.com Saga Ended by Penguin

Penguin Books has renamed Katie.com to A Girl’s Life Online. In related news, Katie Jones was interviewed by Greplaw. Jones, as you recall, is the owner of katie.com, the Web site after which the book was inconsiderately named.

The angle I haven’t seen played up nearly enough in this whole mess is the relationship between Katie Tarbox (the author of the book) and Parry Aftab, the lawyer who was threatening Jones, supposedly on behalf of Tarbox. Jones has reportedly claimed in an informal interview that Parry Aftab “is not [her] lawyer and never has been.”

So who the heck is Aftab working for, and why? It’s like the little kid says in Billy Madison: “Either you’relying, or he’s lying. Which is it?”

posted by Chris on 06 August 2004 at 2046 in computing


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Comment by Anonymous

After the brouhaha with Katie from Katie.com and the hell Aftab put her through, you’d think people would think twice before hiring her as a cyberbullying “expert.” Although she is an expert at doing that:

County To Hold Summit On Cyberbullying

White Plains, NY - Westchester County has teamed up with Parry Aftab, a
national expert on cyberbullying, and Spider-Man to host a summit on this
important issue. The free conference will take place Tuesday morning, Feb.
8 at the Westchester County Center, White Plains.

posted at 2046 on 06 August 2004

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