Lazy Bastards!

The crackhead who inspired this hilarious rant would be Dumbass of the Day, but he isn’t really stupid…just lazy.

However, the owner of the motorcycle that was victimised is a dumbass. His spark plugs got stolen, so he a) didn’t move the bike and therefore got a $35 street-sweeping ticket and b) had it towed to the dealer and then let the dealer install new spark plugs ($100 total).

A word to the not-so-wise: spark plugs, even for a Moto Guzzi, are only $5 or so each. Installing them is very very easy, and if you need a wrench, you can buy one for $10.

Red FormanRed Forman Dumbass Rating: Eric (Dumbass) Eric (Dumbass)

posted by Chris on 26 April 2004 at 1217 in humour


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