I’ll See Your Cheating Pepsi…

…and raise you one Cheating the Customer Too.

See, it’s been all over the Web that you could tilt the iTunes-Pepsi promo bottles to see whether or not the cap is a winner.

But what you didn’t know is that on at least some of the bottles, you can read the entire promo code right through the bottle, thereby not only cheating Pepsi out of one song, but cheating the person who buys the bottle out of a song as well.

Your humble reporter Mister Ethics did not actually write down or memorise said promo code, but I have to echo Jack Miller’s sentiments here. “Memo to Pepsi: DUH!

posted by Chris on 26 February 2004 at 0000 in computing


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Comment by Raena Armitage

What absolutely astonishes me about that MacMerc ‘exclusive’ is that you’ve ALWAYS been able to tilt the bottle and see what’s underneath. Had they never seen a bottlecap competition before?

posted at 0000 on 26 February 2004

Comment by Jon Gales

Heh. I laugh at it too Raena. Sometimes it’s the obvious stuff that catches on. I have done this for as long as I can remember. It has been around since bottle caps.

Anyway, C|Net covered the “read the whole code” angle in the piece they talked to me for.


posted at 0000 on 26 February 2004

Comment by Raena Armitage

I’m waiting for pepsi to slap you with the DMCA, Jon. ;) You’re dispensing information on how to circumvent their totally awesome secret-code-protectng mechanism.

posted at 0000 on 26 February 2004

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