/m3 0wNz 58C!

Whew. My crack^H^H^H^H^Hbroadband connection is back up.

Some tips for hooking up a third-party router to SBC DSL with the Speedstream 5100 modem…

Change the IP address of your router to It probably came from the factory with a or address, and the Speedstream 5100 ships with this IP address by default. Also, the Speedstream’s internal router sets itself to mask out the entire 192.168.xxx.xxx address space. Setting your router to something outside this address space will avoid any potential conflicts.

You do not need the software they provide on CD-ROM, but I haven’t found any way to set up a user name/password without it. Best advice at this point is to go through the install once — it’s fairly innocuous, if very patronising — and then go ahead and delete the new configuration it adds to the Network prefs pane.

SBC uses PPPoE. This isn’t immediately obvious, but it’s true.

Don’t try to connect to the Internet through the router yet, and don’t even connect the router to the DSL modem. Instead, hook the DSL modem directly to your computer’s Ethernet port, set the computer to use Ethernet for Internet access, and log into the modem at Go into the Advanced options and tell it to let the computer handle the PPPoE business. Once you do this, the “Internet” status LED on the front will no longer light up, but it will still connect just fine.

Now you can connect the router and the DSL modem. Go into the router’s config menu (now found at, since you changed it) and set it up to do PPPoE with the proper user name and password. Save the config and give the router a minute or two to make the PPPoE connection and you should be good to go.

If not, you might have a DNS problem like I did. My Netgear MR314 wasn’t picking up DNS from SBC through the modem, so I had to manually enter two DNS server addresses as well. After that, no problems at all.

posted by Chris on 18 February 2004 at 1508 in computing


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Comment by ha

nerd! :)

posted at 1508 on 18 February 2004

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