All I have to say to this is, “WTF?” This is a log of a conversation I just had on Adium (an AIM client). I was busy working on the Vedejs research group WWW site at the time, and some guy apparently thought, well, just read it…
(20:35:08)konan12:I am atticus
(20:35:46)konan12:I have a question about Mackintosh computers.
(20:36:01)lowendmacchris:who the hell is atticus?
(20:36:12)konan12:I go by atticus
(20:36:19)lowendmacchris:you’re gonna have to do better than that.
(20:36:24)konan12:so people don’t find me and kill me in my sleep
(20:36:32)konan12:what are u talkign aboot?
(20:37:17)lowendmacchris:i don’t know who you are and i don’t know anything about you, so start talking or buzz off. I have better things to do with my time.
(20:37:41)konan12:I have a simple question about mackintoshs, wtf is your problem?
(20:38:07)lowendmacchris:anonymous people who are too paranoid for their own good who think i owe them private one-on-one help when i’m busy.
(20:38:09)lowendmacchris:that’s what.
(20:38:35)konan12:if you’re too busy to talk to people, you shouldn’t be on an IMing service where people TALK to you.
(20:38:35)lowendmacchris:Tell me who you are and where you came from and you’ll find me much more receptive.
(20:38:51)lowendmacchris:re-read what i wrote.
(20:38:52)lowendmacchris:anonymous people who are too paranoid for their own good who think i owe them private one-on-one help when i’m busy.
(20:38:58)lowendmacchris:key word there being anonymous.
<konan12 came back (20:43:20)>
<konan12 signed off (20:43:20)>
As some people would say, “GS!” (Hi, Jo!)
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