Just One of Those Days

I meant to do this last night but I got tied up working on our research group WWW site. (Well, more like I got sidetracked and forgot, but whatever.)

Yesterday definitely should have been a Monday. I say that because I woke up to go for my morning run and it was raining. Hard. Normally I wouldn’t mind running in the rain, but this was a very cold rain, as Michigan is prone to have in March. But this is June, dammit.

Anyway, so I rolled over and went back to sleep. Woke up about 0900 and decided I’d better get going so I could get into lab at a reasonable hour. About 1000 I was ready to leave, so I grabbed my jacket and my bike and walked out the door, letting it shut (and lock) behind me.


As soon as I heard the door shut, I realised my keys were still in the apartment. Fortunately I had my cell fone in my pocket, so I called the landlord after knocking on the resident manager’s door and finding no one home. The management folks said I could grab a spare from them, but my car keys were on the same keychain, so I was going to have to ride the bike. OK, fine, I’ll get a little wet, no biggie.

Until I realised my helmet was inside too.

Great, so now I have to ride in very slowly, on the sidewalk, and be very careful about it. That meant I got even wetter. By the time I got my spare keys - for which the management wanted some sort of collateral, in this case my M-Card - and got back to my apartment, it was nearly 1030, and I was in desperate need of a change of clothes, since my shorts were soaked through.

I changed, got my stuff, and got in to lab about 1100. I got down to work and went over to the management office around 1500 to get my M-Card back. The lady who took it wasn’t there, and the lady behind the desk had no friggin’ clue where it was. So I had to go back after the first lady came back an hour later to get my bloody M-Card back.

I really think the world would be a better place if yesterday had never existed.

posted by Chris on 05 June 2003 at 2327 in general

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