Abstract Poetry Spam

Spam is getting less and less comprehensible by the day:

Subject: hitherto royce bracken assessor childbirth

dyadic buzzer agnes? stain, swedish deportation.
deportation eyelet apropos maudlin henrietta bracken, swedish
leningrad coralline ford henrietta wilcox.

graphite bracken dirty

vulcan munificent eyelet? wolff, forwent dyadic.
sam isolate vulcan rebutting eyelet propos, deportation
radioastronomy alchemy stonecrop childbirth alchemy.

alchemy childbirth cornbread

apropos fricative vulcan? wolff, joyful rasa.

hitherto royce.

What’s the point of spam that isn’t selling something? Is this supposed to be some kind of modern performance art?

posted by Chris on 11 August 2008 at 1659 in computing


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