Bugs are Crunchy

And full of protein. Smokey’s recent post inspired me to take a look at the bugs I’d filed or fixed in Bugzilla as well.

I’ve filed 122 bugs so far, of which I’ve personally fixed 12. It’s always good to clean up your own mess ;) Of the 45 still open, five are still UNCONFIRMED and four are assigned to me. Of the 77 filed bugs that have been resolved, I’ve filed six INVALID, 11 WONTFIX, three WORKSFORME, and 11 duplicates, making a total of 86 valid bugs out of the 122 filed so far (conservatively assuming the five UNCOs don’t ever get confirmed). That’s a .705 batting average, which is a lot better than most of our users but not as high as it probably ought to be considering I’m on the triage and development teams.

The good news is that a total of 51 bugs assigned to me have been fixed (although I think a couple were fixed by someone else without the assignee changing), giving me about a 2.4:1 filed-to-ASSIGNED/FIXED ratio, and that’s something I’m much happier with. Ideally it’d be something like 1:1, but the only people I can think of who might come close to that figure are doing this sort of thing as a full-time job. We don’t have any paid developers on the Camino team at all.

posted by Chris on 07 September 2007 at 1945 in computing


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