“Hey, Darren, you know what would be really fun?”
“What, Dave?”
“If we cut the roof and doors off a crappy car and then drove it as fast as we can over a jump into a lake.”
“Wow, yeah, that sounds like a great idea! You get the car, and I’ll build the jump out at my parents’ abandoned quarry!”
“Oh, hey, Darren?”
“Yes, Dave?”
“Do you think it matters that neither you nor I knows how to swim?”
“No, probably not. We’ll just magically float to the shore after the car sinks.”
“Oh yeah. That should work fine.”
Except it didn’t work fine. These two Greeley, Colorado geniuses went through with their plan, which went off without a hitch except for that last little detail. David Griego, 18, drowned after the car landed in the lake because, well, he couldn’t swim. Neither could any of the bystanders who were out there to observe this stunt. Your Darwin Award will be on its way shortly.
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