Apparently Chicago Tribune columnist Rick Morrissey needs a refresher. Quoted in today’s Freep:
Pro-Tigers people say the more apt comparison would be the 1991 Braves. You know, the Braves of Glavine, Smoltz and Avery. What do you say we let Bonderman and Verlander, both 23, finish being burped before we enshrine them in the Hall of Fame? You have to go through some fire first, and the Tigers haven’t.
Would that be the then-21-year-old Steve Avery, the then-24-year-old John Smoltz, and the then-25-year-old Tom Glavine? The same Avery, Smoltz, and Glavine who had combined for a 27-34 record in 1990 and put up an unspectacular 4.35 combined ERA?
Because I was thinking it sure sounded like you meant the Avery, Smoltz, and Glavine who hadn’t, up until that point, been incredibly mediocre. (You know, like the Tigers’ pitching staff for the last decade.) Except for the fact that that trio — the non-mediocre Avery, Smoltz, and Glavine — didn’t exist until 1991.
But then, what do I know?
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