Dumbass of the Day

Zeljko Tupic, a citizen of Belgrade in the apparently insular country of Serbia, which will be hereafter known as “The Country That Never Heard of Viagra”, was searching for a means to prolong his sexual, uhm, abilities, and hit upon the less-than-intelligent idea of shoving a slender pencil into his “member”.

Said pencil shifted during the dirty deed and lodged in Tupic’s bladder, forcing him to call an ambulance and putting a merciful end to his plans for the evening.

I volunteer to forward Tupic all my e-mail for two weeks, after which he’ll be plenty aware of the various “solutions” out there for people with his problem.

Red FormanRed Forman Dumbass Rating: Kelso (Dumbass) Kelso (Dumbass) Kelso (Dumbass)

posted by Chris on 15 February 2006 at 2158 in humour


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