Dumbasses of the Day

The award is shared among three teenagers from Troy, Michigan, for their brilliance in being found in contempt of court.

See, what happened was this: last May, the three were among a group of several teenagers who got drunk on their way to prom. Big surprise. Well, they got to prom and started stumbling around, and school authorities had them breathalyzed. The resultant court proceedings found them in various sorts of legal trouble, but nobody spent any time in jail.


Well, three of the girls didn’t think it was very fair they weren’t allowed to flaunt their disrespect for the law at their prom, so as soon as they got to college, away from pesky hometown judges, what did they do? Start partying. Again. With a digital camera. And a Web site. Oh, and they took photos of themselves flipping off the camera and posted them to the site with an obscenity-laced caption directed at the judge.

The judge who had sentenced them to probation found the site.

Two of the girls spent the holidays in jail. Geniuses.

Red FormanRed Forman Dumbass Rating: Hyde (Dumbass) Hyde (Dumbass) Hyde (Dumbass)

posted by Chris on 27 January 2006 at 1136 in humour


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