
If you’re running OS X, you owe it to yourself to check out Quicksilver, which is the most amazing application launcher I’ve ever seen.

It sits in the background, doing nothing until you summon the power of this mighty genie with a simple user-configurable keystroke. You can then type a few characters and it will guess what you’re trying to find. It’s usually accurate, though this depends largely on how much you “feed” it. For instance, if I want to launch Meteorologist (which in itself is a great app, but tends to break often and require re-launching), I can just call up Quicksilver (Ctrl-Z) and then type “M-E-T-E” and boom! it picks Meteorologist as its first choice. I can then hit return to launch it.

Go download it and try it. It will change the way you work with your Mac. The OS X Finder has made great progress since the Public Beta, but as an application launcher, it can’t hold a candle to this amazing software.

posted by Chris on 21 January 2005 at 2355 in computing


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