I was watching the Today show this morning and they introduced a segment (which I didn’t watch, incidentally) about school administrators “endorsing” (or something — like I said, I didn’t watch it) the Atkins diet and other similar low-carb fad diets in order to keep school children from getting any fatter than they already are.
The introduced the segment with a quiz. Which of the following has the most carbs:
a) doughnut
b) artichoke
c) chocolate chip cookie
d) kiwifruit
The answer is (b), an artichoke. Which is surprising, but perhaps not too surprising considering it’s the one answer that looks out of place there.
Well, they proceeded to announce the segment and its sponsor. Who was…drum roll…Little Debbie Snack Cakes.
The Atkins Diet Snack Cake of Choice, right?
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