Some of these are incredibly lame, and there are a bunch that are missing from the list, but WTHR in Indianapolis is running a list of pickup lines. (Thanks, Eric.)
Your eyes are the color of my Porsche. — Sounds pretty good, actually. Not too arrogant, easily passed off as a joke, almost guaranteed to get a laugh.
Excuse me, do you have any raisins? How about a date? — Funny, but terribly lame at the same time. Chances of success: I’d give it about 50% at best.
Can I buy you a drink, or do you just want the money? — This is a great way to get slapped.
Hi. I’m Mr. Right. Someone said you were looking for me. — This one’s really tricky. If you can deliver it right, it’s a killer line. The problem is that most people can’t deliver it right without sounding like total jackasses.
Do you believe in love at first site or shall I walk by again? — Only if when you walk by again, you’ve learned how to spell properly. Deal?
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