For the Guy (or Girl) Who Has Everything…

…except an expensive designer case for the nearly-ubiquitous iPod, there is now a solution. Seven of them, in fact. New York’s CITY magazine has reviewed seven designer iPod cases at prices ranging from a fairly reasonable $55 to an absolutely outlandish $265. This pundit’s opinion: straight guys will love the “value” (Hah. Value. Right.) and style of the Coach and Dunhill cases. Girls — and “metrosexuals” with a very open mind — will fawn over the Paul Smith and Kate Spade designs. And those with just way too much money on their hands, well, get the Dior Homme case. It looks like a leather Halliburton for your iPod.

Speaking of which, when is Halliburton getting into this act?

(Oh, and don’t tell anyone, but the Dior Homme case is almost a perfect ripoff of e-pac’s LeatherPod, sold by Dr. Bott. I’ll sell you mine for $100, and you can pretend it’s by Dior Homme. Deal?)

posted by Chris on 12 August 2004 at 1710 in computing


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