
This is just too cool. Let’s see if I can get a screen shot of my desktop right now…awwwww yeah!

Here, have a look (click for a full-size image):

desktop screen shot

What’s running on there? Let’s see…

Top left corner is AquaMon. Across the menu bar you’ll notice Sony Ericsson Clicker (which I’ve been meaning to remove, actually, since I never use it), Apple’s modem status menu, a CPU cache controller menu whose name I’ve completely forgotten, Apple’s Keychain Access menu, Unsanity’s Cee Pee You, the battery status menu, iSync’s menu, the AirPort menu, and PTHClock. Hard disk icons down the right side are enhanced with DriveGauge, which puts a little thermometer-like gauge on the icon to show you how much of the drive is used. The Moon is MoonDock X, the Earth is EarthGlobe X, and the background is actually a live screen saver (IX Xirtam, from the IX Screen Effects package) put on the desktop via DeskEffects (145K disk image).

And thanks to Benet Leong and ResExcellence for pointing out the transparent goodness that is AquaMon to me.

posted by Chris on 17 April 2003 at 1705 in computing


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