Apple Bug Friday: OS X Spell Checker

Lee came up with this entry for Apple Bug Friday, with my help: Mac OS X spell-checker doesn’t check spelling on focus change. It’s pretty annoying if you think about it.

posted by Chris on 10 February 2006 at 1745 in computing


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Comment by Lee Bennett

Michael Tsai brought up a good point that what if you type an e-mail body first, then fill in the e-mail address, and the subject last, then click send. The subject consequently never loses focus after the last word is typed, preventing the opportunity to auto-spell check it. That would probably be a circumstance where nothing can be done, unless the behavior change such that a word dynamically was checked and underlined until it was detected as correct. I don’t think I’d like that behavior, but it would be one way to attempt an improvement.

posted at 1745 on 10 February 2006

Comment by Chris Lawson

Isn’t that how Word already works? I agree it’s not a perfect solution, and it seems like it would require more CPU usage than the current solution, but it’s probably workable.

An option in a program like Mail would also be to spell-check when “send” was clicked, and then flag any errors in the last field before sending. Put up a dialog, say “You’re trying to send a message with [word] misspelled. Do you really want to do that?” or something.


posted at 1745 on 10 February 2006

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