Curse You, Steve Jobs

MacBook Pro?

Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot.

Also, you nuked the internal modem, the PC card slot, and the FireWire 800. The first two wouldn’t be such a huge deal individually, but right now, there are no ExpressCard wireless modems (and a quick Froogle search turned up zero ExpressCard wired modems, too). How the **** are mobile professionals supposed to connect to the Internet when they’re not near a wireless connection? Even Podunkville Island has analogue fone lines!

I will not be buying another Mac laptop until the internal modem returns to the product line, or the robber-baron cell fone providers lower their data prices (and Apple includes a wireless modem in the product line).

posted by Chris on 10 January 2006 at 1915 in computing


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Comment by Mac Fan

No modem. Big deal. Use one of these.

posted at 1915 on 10 January 2006

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