Transparent Docks in Tiger

Having noticed this evening that TransparentDock has not (yet) been updated for Tiger, and not wanting to install haxies (such as Cleardock), I discovered that the old hack at ResExcellence for doing transparent docks manually no longer works (rather unsurprisingly, really).

Unfortunately, after thorough perusal of the contents of and lengthy consultation with Google, I’ve been unable to find any solution to this problem. Perhaps some of my readers are smarter than myself and could give everyone a few pointers.

I’d really like to see someone write up a thorough description of the various transparency features of TransparentDock. It’s written in AppleScript, but the scripts are run-only and I can’t get at them. (On a side note, I’d also be very interested if someone knew a way to read run-only AppleScripts.) It seems like this ought to be fairly simple to implement, but I must be missing something really obvious.

posted by Chris on 12 May 2005 at 2351 in computing


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