Damn You, Spammers

I was updating my spam filters tonight and took a quick look through my accumulated spam through 30 March 2005.

Eudora says I’ve received about 6000 messages so far this year.

By my calculation, just under 4200 of them have been spam, malware, or blog spam notifications.

That means spam and malware is directly responsible for SEVENTY PERCENT of my e-mail traffic, and probably a comparable percentage of my time spent in Eudora. Right now Eudora says I’ve used it for 44 hours this year. That means I’ve wasted just over 30 full hours dealing with spam and malware. At this rate, I will have wasted THREE FULL WORK WEEKS by the end of the year. That’s more time than the average American gets in annual vacation!

Scott Richter, be glad bankruptcy is the worst you’ve seen so far. I want to put you on personal notice: if I ever meet you or your ilk in person, I will kill you.

That’s not a threat. That’s a fact. I’ll kill you.

posted by Chris on 31 March 2005 at 0208 in computing


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Comment by Lee Bennett

While I COMPLETELY agree with your sentiment about spam, I think you’re a bit out of whack with you estimate of time wasted.

With legit mail, you open it, you read it, sometimes you read it again, and you often reply to it.

With spam, assuming it wasn’t already trashed by filters, you hit a command to train it as spam, then delete it—all of 10 seconds, tops.

70% of your total e-mail time wasted on spam? I doubt it.

posted at 0208 on 31 March 2005

Comment by Heatsink

I dunno about America, but here in Canada actually putting the words ‘I’ll kill you’ in writing (digital or otherwise) is an indictable offence (roughly equivalen to your Felony Offence).

posted at 0208 on 31 March 2005

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