Microsoft to Re-Name New Windows Edition

Microsoft has agreed to obey the EU’s request not to ship a product called “Microsoft Windows Reduced Media Edition.”

Other rejected names for the new software:

  • Microsoft Windows Crippled Edition™
  • Microsoft Windows XPOS Edition™
  • Microsoft Windows We Hate Europe Edition™
  • Microsoft Windows Antitrust Solution™
  • Microsoft Windows-But-No-Media Edition™
  • Microsoft Windows Is Now Really Nowhere Near As Good As Mac OS For Anything Not Involving Office Edition™
  • Microsoft Windows QuickTime and RealPlayer Edition™
  • Microsoft Windows Lost a War to France Edition™
  • Microsoft Windows Not-Quite-Full-Featured Edition™

And the number one rejected name for the new non-monopoly version of Windows…

  • Mac OS
posted by Chris on 30 January 2005 at 1648 in computing


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