Dumbass of the Day

First, a bit of background.

Since 17 November, I’ve received over 150 copies of various Windows viruses, via e-mail, from users at Mount Saint Mary’s University. On 03 December, after 75 copies, I had had enough, and I e-mailed the administrators.

I heard nothing.

I got Ti Cobb back a couple days ago, and after downloading nearly 2000 e-mails that had accumulated since it went in for repair, I found ANOTHER 75 from Mt. St. Mary’s users. That was the proverbial last straw.

I e-mailed the administrators again.

This time I cc’d every single spoofed @msmary.edu e-mail address, telling them to inform their friends that they were probably infected, and to remove my e-mail address from their address books.

That got the attention of the “Network Manager,” who was somewhat less than clueful:


I am opening your address just long enough to send this message.
You are experiencing the frustration a lot of people have with being

Since you wrote your first message there has NO email traffic to you
from this institution. Your address was blocked from any traffic coming
from our exchange server.
[Emphasis added. -cl]

If you need further assistance please call me. I will not be able to
respond via email.

Best regards,
[“Network Manager”]

Note the emphasised sentence: “Your address was blocked from any traffic coming from our exchange server.”

So now legitimate users can’t send me e-mail, but all these Windows viruses, which include their own SMTP engines and don’t use a server to send copies of themselves, are free to continue doing so.

<sarcasm>Gee, that gives me a LOT of faith in the network reliability at Mt. St. Mary’s.</sarcasm>

In the immortal words of The Donald, Network Manager, “You’re Fired!”

Red FormanRed Forman Dumbass Rating: Kelso (Dumbass) Kelso (Dumbass) Kelso (Dumbass)

posted by Chris on 21 December 2004 at 2254 in computing


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