I’ve been wanting a SonyEricsson P900 for months now, but I’m not about to spend $800 on one and not get any benefits of a new cell fone plan. T-Mobile, which I otherwise love dearly, doesn’t offer the fone with a service plan, and has no plans to do so in the near future, according to service reps.
But with the HP iPAQ 6315 on the way this fall, why would they?
I detest Windows CE…I mean, PocketPC…I mean, Windows Mobile.
I really really detest it.
But the ability to get a cell fone/PDA combo with Bluetooth, 802.11b, and GSM/GPRS capability for $500 is extremely compelling.
The question now becomes — and I think it’s funny that I’m saying this, because I’m not what anyone would call a Linux geek — “Will it run Linux?”
Let’s hope so.
You can download linux for Pocket pc on alot of sites. Although i have not yet, i am completely satisfied with Pocket pc, and have been for nine months.
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