One for each of their 10-game losers. Get ready…
Hip, hip! Hooray! (Mike Maroth)
Hip, hip! Hooray! (Jeremy Bonderman)
Hip, hip! Hooray! (Adam Bernero)
Now, with the first pitching staff since the 1906 Boston Pilgrims (now the Atlanta Braves - what is it with Boston and pitching curses?) to have three 10-game losers before July, the question is: who - if any - is going to be the first to 20?
Back when the Pistons were going through a bit of a slump in the late 1990s, I made the comment to one of my friends that it was a good thing hockey didn’t involve throwing anything other than punches, because professional athletes in Detroit who got paid to throw things were almost universally bad at it.
Other than Joey Harrington and the Pistons, the situation hasn’t changed a whole lot.
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