Ah, the Tigers.
Not only did they lose both games of a doubleheader at home yesterday, but they lost the second game a) after carrying a 3-run lead into the 7th inning and b) after carrying a no-hitter into the 7th inning. This after losing the first game to an opposing “pitcher” who never actually threw a pitch in getting his victory.
Prize quote from the article, referring to the fewer than 1000 fans in attendance:
“What made the day worse was nobody was in the stands,” Detroit’s Dmitri Young said. “Nobody is behind us. These people don’t care about us. I’d rather be on the road.”
Gee, ya think? When you lose to your AAA farm team on a regular basis, of course the fans are going to quit caring.
I suppose the owners’ association probably can’t tell Mike Ilitch he has to sell the club to a new owner, can they? One who would actually spend money on talent, instead of trading all the talent away and watching it get to the All-Star game year after year. (*cough* Travis Fryman *cough*)
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